Part IV: Live Today as a Guest on Benzinga Radio — PreMarket PREP — Talking About 2016’s Highest-Impact Country ETFs / Sectors / Equities that will Surge Next — A Major Emerging Market Recovery is In Play
by efrem on Monday March 28, 2016 at 6:33 pm EST | Tags: ADM, Ag, Agriculture, Brazil, CAT, Chile, CNXT, DBA, ECH, El Nino, Electric Utilities, ENI, EPP, EWY, EWZ, GDX, GDXJ, GE, GigaFactory, GXC, IHE, ITUB, MRK, PAAS, RSGUF Rogers Sugar, SIL, SLW, South Korea, Soybeans, SQM, TESLA, TSLA, UAG, XLK, XLV, XME

This morning Running Alpha’s CEO & Founder was invited back as a special guest for a second time since January on BenZinga Live Radio PreMarket PREP. Click Here for a recorded copy of this Morning’s 9:15 AM EDT audio session on SoundCloud. The recording is also available on iTunes and Stitcher.
In case you did not have access to the live commentary post on Benzinga live chat, you can find it consolidated with the unabridged market update below; serving as the founder’s overall macro-view of market opportunities. As a bonus, a dash of actionable stock and ETF-specific investment ideas are sprinkled throughout.
The talk starts off with the host revisiting Efrem Hoffman’s previous commentary on Jan. 8th, mentioning Running Alpha’s correct high conviction, time-relevant market call, which laid out the case for an imminent recovery ( when just about everyone from market professionals to retail investors were in a state of panic and anger ) from the prolonged period of global market risk events leading into the New Year. Among a special line up of three seasoned guests, Efrem ads a sentiment analytics flavor to the three other independent guest conversation sessions with the host, which included: a general discussion on the December’s jobs number released today; followed by a talk to Ron Insana, Michael Corcelli, Efrem Hoffman, and Mohamed El-Erian — focusing on what these numbers and market action were telling them about the economy going forward.
Jan 8th, 2016 Featured guests:
Ron Insana, CNBC contributor and author of Insana Market Intelligence
Efrem Hoffman, Founder and CEO of Running Alpha Capital Markets Intelligence
Michael Corcelli, Alexander Alternative Capital
Mohamed El-Erian, Chief Economic Advisor at Allianz
Invited back on the Feb 10th live show with Benzinga PreMarket PREP, featured guest Efrem Hoffman, informs the audience the imminent rebound and outperformance in tech and industrial enterprises like General Electric ( GE ), which a bullish thesis was made for its transformation into a leading contender in the race for industrializing the internet complex for connecting our planet with smart sensors and predictive software analytics-as-a-service platforms. This live radio session became the basis for an article ( click here for full content ) written by the Editorial Producer for PreMarket Prep.
________________________________________________ has recently been nominated for the 2016 Benzinga (BZ) Fintech Awards, and will be among finalist at:
The BZ FinTech Awards Gala 2016 is a celebration of innovation in the capital markets, where on May 24th, 2016 all of today’s hottest FinTech nominated start-up finalists in Digital Financial Intelligence and Wealth Management will be meeting up under one roof at the Tribeca Three Sixty in New York City.
To register for the event, Click Here.
As the founding strategist of, even though Efrem Hoffman is providing a fundamental backdrop for why these global market ideas discussed below are compelling alpha opportunities, the quantitative analytics upon which his confidence rests on these expected outcomes are 100% objective and rooted strictly on Running Alpha’s Proprietary New Data Science Research Framework & Platform: Bottom-Down Perception Analytics ( BDPA ) Technology ( click here for a recent article written by a third-party Swiss-Based though-leader in FinTech Innovations serving the Digital Wealth Management and Intelligence Community. For review all our recent media attention and article posts, visit our Home Page Frequently at: ).
For your musing after the Easter long weekend, here is a mash-up of ideas in no particular order.
Sugar and Soybeans, particularly Soybean Meal and specialty Agricultural ( AG ) chemical prices ( Industy Related Stock Symbol of note: SQM — operating in Chile; and also trading in USA markets ) have a long term buy signal kicking in; and especially when these commodity price trades above current local monthly high on a weekly basis, they will likely surge into this spring/summer period. Supply shortages in Sugar, brought about by persistent drought conditions amplified by the El Nino effect, and coupled with an extreme reversion trade in these areas of note — so buying near these lower levels and on intra/inter-day retracement
Rogers Sugar ( RSGUF ) is one of the best ways to express the pending rise in sugar prices, while exchange traded funds DBA and UAG shoulds benefit handsomely from the rebound in the agricultural goods market. Offering attractive valuations, ADM, CAT, and irrigation equipment maker, VMI ( more attractive on local retracements in 2016 ) will likely be among the stronger U.S. domestic beneficiaries of these emerging trends.
As for emerging markets benefiting from these trends, Brazil ( Exchange Traded Fund EWZ ), being the biggest exporter of sugar, and a sizable exporter of soybeans, should really benefit greatly. Also, iron ores, a significant export, will also help improve Brazil’s GDP, given that the iron ore and metals complex has turned the corner and is likely to see a continued rebound. SID and GGB are two Brazilian companies highly levered to this trend, and sporting favorable outlooks, so hold and add on the lower side of current trend. ITUB is one particular bank in Brazil that looks to benefit from the turnaround in the economy.
The S&P Metals Index ( XME ), Small Cap Gold Stocks (GDXJ) as well as GDX, along with Silver Miners ( SIL ), and silver stocks like Silver Wheaton ( SLW ) and PAAS will likely benefit from near record low interest rate policies around the world. So keep buying these equities on anyretracements in gold prices along the way, as these equities will continue outperforming the underlying contract. Following this current and pending runupexpected this Spring, , silver will really begin getting a boost and accelerate its pace northbound with shock and awe on its second leg of recovery in the second half of the year.
Chile ( Exchange Traded Fund Symbol: ECH ) is also starting to look attractive here, particularly once local resistance is exceeded, so thereafter buying on retracements will be the order of the day. Chile benefits from rising Copper Prices, as they are a huge exporter of Copper Ores. Demand for Lithium oxides are also on the rise given the increased demand for infrastructure development of Lithium Batteries, from the likes of tech projects such as the TESLA GigaFactory. Specialty chemical companies like SQM will also likely get rewarded from the anticipated bullish developments in the AG space; and so should Electric Utility companies like ENI benefit, which will likely show increased electricity transport activity during periods of higher expected industrial out.
The exchange Traded Fund, EPP — Pacific Ex Japan also looks set to be a good performer this year — focus on buying on inter/intra-month weakness in this market.
About the Parent Company, Running Alpha Investments Inc. — Capital Markets Intelligence:
You may be wondering what this has to do with the movement of people, capital, and emotions in the world financial markets — Everything; we have over 100 years of data science to back this up and a history of helping clients accurately protect against Black-Swan events — showing that the correlation structure among bullish and bearish decision-maker perception biases at different scales of market observation come together first in the marketplace, each trading day, before they drive the transactions trends that most conventional media and market tools see and broadcast only later in hindsight.
The service is a mobile responsive Sentiment-Aware Alpha Production Platform that is a one stop source where traders and investors go for finding a smarter way of: expanding their High-Conviction Idea Rolodex, while Hedging-For-A-Profit from predictable surprises and unknown market threats; and discovering anti-fragile portfolios well before they become visible on the radars of smart money heat maps, implied volatility screeners and social media sentiment trackers.
The founder’s patented technology embedded in the Running Alpha Intelligence has been cited on over 70 occasions on the Patent Documents of Fortune 500 Companies and preeminent scientific think tanks.
Running Alpha’s Capital Market Trends Intelligence gives you significant lead time for telling you exactly when Windows of Investment Opportunity open ( specific time and/or date ) and close ( specific time and/or date ) before market transitions from periods of fear and anger to asymmetric reward-to-risk intervals of persistent high-momentum recoveries, which lead to periods of long-term sustainable growth trajectories — exhibiting a range of sentiment behaviors evolving from surprise ( shock and awe ) to elation, through euphoria. You will find bad news “climbing a wall of worry” and good news getting amplified in your favor during these forecasted Windows of Growth; thereby Significantly Lowering Portfolio Volatility and Generating Sharpe Ratios that are Off the Charts.
What Technology Innovation Sets the Running Alpha Intelligence Framework Apart From the Competition?
Here is the latest FinTech article published by DailyFinTech, a “strategic consulting agency to organizations with business and investment interests in Fintech.
To see the original article source, which just hit the wires on DailyFinTech’s March 22nd, 2016 issue — click the link below to unlock content:
In the article, references ( quoted text below is extracted from article on DailyFinTech ) are made to alternative solutions that “can warn you before the market undergoes a nasty selloff.” Although these platforms use real-time data from exchanges — “[ looking for patterns and searching for clusters of traders who are bailing out of an investment and providing clear visual signals when sellers are gaining strength before a broad slide kicks in”],
*The Running Alpha methodology goes beyond analyzing visible data, which can be gamed and trolled by your market adversaries. To navigate around these hidden threats, Running Alpha is powered by a new category of actionable intelligence — Bottom-Down Perception Analytics (BDPA) — leveraging insights into the subtle non-linear physics surrounding the complex, dynamic and self-generating internal interactions among individual human-machine perspectives, for revealing Dark Data Perception Fields:
Going beyond conventional game strategy approaches for one upping your competitor in looking ahead additional moves, Running Alpha offers trader’s an unfair advantage in reverse engineering the long-range non-linear, multi-fractal interaction of human and machine decision-making.
How? By:
Observing and quantifying, on the fly, huge chunks of the decision-making perception landscape and market state configuration at once; and
Getting inside the mindspace and thinking patterns of competing decision-makers before their actions show up on the radars of both conventional and alternative sources of sentiment, transaction pricing, and implied volatility data.
This is important, because it opens new ground in economic and financial decision-making, particularly circumventing the bottlenecks that cut off machine learning, pattern recognition, technical, and statistical systems from recognizing and identifying differences in market state transitions; where there exists a very large number ( approaching infinity in theory ) of data paths traveled — including but not limited to price, volatility, liquidity data — that are compatible with any given present patterns describing the current and forward market condition. This entropy ( ambiguous information state ) barrier makes it inaccessible for traditional market models to distributively compute the non-lagging instantaneous nature and long-range persistence of things — the current and evolving financial market state that is a leading indicator of persistent directional trend development strung together across multiple time-scales simultaneously.
Fortunately, the Running Alpha BDPA Framework is strategically designed to extract and exploit these deep insights for giving subscribers not only a head start in entering and exiting large-scale positions well before such market activity becomes visible on traditional heat mapping displays — which lack access to Data in the Dark — but also enables ranking and construction of portfolio opportunities without the prevailing constraints of constantly re-prioritizing the next best collection of ideas myopically over incremental shorter-range look-out periods.
The Running Alpha Value Proposition:
To this end, Running Alpha is on a mission for helping global investors and traders of all stripes generate real alpha at a lower transaction cost-points without capacity constraints, while at the same time organically hedging-for-a-profit ( not a cost ) in all market structure environments with lower portfolio turnover.
Key Take-Away Points:
By employing this new class of Sentiment-Aware Perception Maps — holistically designed for consistently hunting down the world’s most persistent Risk-Off and Risk-On Opportunity Windows — Running Alpha can see Critical State Transitions from Black Swan episodes of fear and anger to surprise, elation, and euphoria.
We do this by exploiting intrinsic unseen defects and inefficiencies in the way prevailing human and machine deep learning algorithms, and sentiment and volatility based research frameworks, are mathematically biased for unintentionally introducing persistent periods of lag ( under very special conditions and unstable market states ) into the forward-looking decision-making process.
Our job at Running Alpha is to hone in on market instruments that exhibit long-range persistence of such critical states; thereby helping our subscribers take full advantage of these large-scale divergences between lagging perceptions and the reality of actualized outcomes.