Part III: Discover the Sectors and High-Impact Country ETFs / Equities that will Surge Next — A Major Emerging Market Recovery is In Play

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Helping Investment Fund Allocators Capture Extraordinary Alpha for their Clients by Avoiding Value Traps through Better Timing Their Risk-On/Risk-Off Sector, Country, and Hard-Asset Rotation Strategies. has recently been nominated for the 2016 Benzinga (BZ) Fintech Awards — An Evening Gala to be held at the Tribeca in New York City on May 24th, 2016.
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“The BZ Fintech Awards is a competition to showcase the companies with the most impressive technology, who are paving the future in the rapidly growing financial services and capital markets industry! ” – See more at: Click to visit page
What Makes Running Alpha’s Premium Capital Market Trends Service a New Category of Actionable Alpha Investment Intelligence?
Running Alpha’s Capital Market Trends Intelligence gives you significant lead time for telling you exactly when Windows of Investment Opportunity open ( specific time and/or date ) and close ( specific time and/or date ) before market transitions from periods of fear and anger to asymmetric reward-to-risk intervals of persistent high-momentum recoveries, which lead to periods of long-term sustainable growth trajectories — exhibiting a range of sentiment behaviors evolving from surprise ( shock and awe ) to elation, through euphoria. You will find bad news “climbing a wall of worry” and good news getting amplified in your favor during these forecasted Windows of Growth; thereby Significantly Lowering Portfolio Volatility and Generating Sharpe Ratios that are Off the Charts.
What Technology Innovation Sets the Running Alpha Intelligence Framework Apart From the Competition?
20 Years of R&D IP Assets combined with the Founder’s Patented Big Data Analytics Technology Enables Running Alpha to be the First Research Intelligence Service that Extracts Alpha from:
Exploiting not only Behavioral and Sentiment Biases in Market Data, but more importantly, Generating Alpha from the Intrinsic Human-Machine Biases and Temporal Lags that underlie both the Prevailing Mathematical Perception Frameworks and the Defects binding the Assumptions regarding the Precision and Accuracy of Legacy Measurements across Multiple Time-Scales of Market Observation — namely, their failure of accounting for the long-range impact that Subtle Interacting Market Observations ( of both Visible and Dark Decision Data* ) have on future investment transaction flows.
* [ Dark Decision Data are Decisions yet to be executed, and therefore not yet manifested in market price, volatility, and sentiment data; but which are rendered visible for the first time through analyzing invariant high-dimensional relationships among perception biases that underlie and reverse engineer the fundamental calculations and multi-fractal non-linear feedback dynamics of trend change, shared by and observed from the wisdom of interacting perspectives — sourced from the full spectrum of trend measurement instruments and strategies ( applicable to fundamental, technical, behavioral, and Sentiment Data ) — employed by both the marketplace of active market agents/players, as well as the pool of available decision-making speculators on the side-lines.]
What to Expect From Running Alpha: Leveraging insights from this New Dark Data Alpha Source, Running Alpha is on a mission to only dispatching actionable intelligence on stocks and capital market securities just before windows of opportunity open and just before they close ( with enough lead time for appropriately preparing and acting on the trading intelligence that our mathematical framework shows just before prevailing models will start casting light on the darkness; ahead of media and social networks breaking surprise news in support of our market calls ). For specific and actionable insights regarding optimal timing and pricing windows for holding and exiting portfolio positions, check out our on-line platforms, the Focus 15 and the soon to be released, Capital Market Trends On-Line Platform.
Given that the valuation of many South Korean equities are favorably valued, it would be prudent to put together your shopping list of your favorite companies in this region ( or consult a professional 5 star fund manager in this space ), or for simplicity and diversified exposure, just focus on the Exchange Traded Fund Symbol EWY as the best way for expressing this valuation and forward growth call. A large-scale rally for EWY is now imminent.
Taiwan — Exchange Traded Fund Symbol EWT also looks somewhat compelling on intra-day pullbacks.
In terms of Financials, Goldman Sachs ( Symbol: GS ) is a core holding in Running Alpha’s model portfolio — as per my previous blog notes before the price advance last week; but now GS can really start taking off from this Spring onward.
It would also be prudent to put together a list of your favorite healthcare stocks, as S&P 500 Healthcare Sector ( Symbol: XLV ) will likely join the bullish party come this April and beyond.
Running Alpha is working around the clock gathering sentiment intelligence to bring you the best ways for expressing these themes. A priority list of top names are now available, giving you ample time to prepare for the start of the bull run, which comes into effect for the top stocks in the XLV after April 4th, and increasingly so from mid April and beyond.
Columbia ( Symbol: GXG ) and Chile ( Symbol: ECH ) are also very attractive bullish plays right now, albeit on thinner markets — nonetheless these markets will be going much higher with persistence.
Putting all this together, the global markets, particularly in South America — Brazil ( Symbols: EWZ, BRF ), and select Asian Countries above looks very compelling. India ( Symbol: IFN ) is starting to turn bullish, and outside of potential inter-day pullbacks along the way, India is building additional bullish energy that will ignite a sustainable rally from late April onward into late Spring period.
The S&P 500 China Index (ETF Symbol: GXC ) is now entering RunningAlpha’s High Priority List of Emerging Market ETFs. The downward spiral in emerging market that made everyone enter a Risk-On state is now turning the corner in a huge way; so everyone from the talking heads on Media to Smart Money will be all over these emerging markets play in the coming days, weeks and months — so expect a huge upside surprise that should dramatically turn the overall market bias toward the bullish camp. What will be most surprising about the rally in emerging markets, noted above, will be the forward price trend persistence and consistency of buyers showing earnest on every intra-day/week dip; large enough to enable a mega-fund to build a huge position and still generate extra-ordinary Alpha.
Investors should be putting together their shopping list, because heavy buying should likely come into GXC Chinese Emerging Market ETF Shares, adding strong support launching ground in the event of any intra-day/intra-week retracements, especially so if they occur before April 8th; because after that, as emerging markets continue their advance on into the summer months, the opportunity for extra-ordinary alpha-generation is a very high potential.
Among many gold-miners, Eldorado Gold ( Symbol: EGO ) and Kinross Gold ( Symbol: KGC ) continue to have a strong bullish bias. As for Silver, Silver Wheaton ( Symbol: SLV ) also looks particularly attractive here.
The S&P 500 Metals Sector ( Symbol: XME ) should continue much higher from here into June period, adding to the bullish action that was already correctly forecasted by Running Alpha ahead of the recent two week rally that has gone full throttle.
On the U.S. front, reiterating Running Alpha’s bullish market on Benzinga PreMarket PREP Live Radio right before the big reversal upwards this February 2016, the U.S. markets will very likely continue surging higher, while emerging markets start entering a stage of elation after the end of March / April Period, with euphoria coming into play into the summer months, and then again late in the year after a potential short-lived episode of turbulence in the fall. This will likely be followed by unprecedented bullish sentiment suddenly thereafter. To sum it up, raging, 1999 bull market rally is in the cards all over again for 2016.
By Spring of 2017, will see a stratospheric peak, which prudent investors will need to monitor closely for any signs of potential tail-risk thereafter.
Continue staying tuned as we pass next Spring 2017, when we will provide several months lead time of any potential pending tail-risk Xtreme reversion events that may develop thereafter. Until then, get prepared for all out bullish sentiment to grip the markets at an accelerated rate.
Join Running Alpha’s community of better informed investors in taking full-scale advantage of intra-day/intra-week retracements along the way; and start acting on these opportunities with just-in-time actionable intelligence — that intentionally diversifies your asset and sector rotation coverage on a focused and manageable priority list of high-impact markets. has recently been nominated for the 2016 Benzinga (BZ) Fintech Awards — An Evening Gala to be held at the Tribeca in New York City on May 24th, 2016.
Please Vote for Us Here and Help Spread the Word.
“The BZ Fintech Awards is a competition to showcase the companies with the most impressive technology, who are paving the future in the rapidly growing financial services and capital markets industry! ” – See more at: Click to visit page.
Summary: is a mobile responsive Sentiment-Aware Alpha Production Platform that offers traders and investors a smarter way for both: expanding their High-Conviction Idea Rolodex, while Hedging-For-A-Profit from predictable surprises and unknown market threats; and discovering anti-fragile portfolios well before they become visible on the radars of smart money heat maps, implied volatility screeners and social media sentiment trackers.
Our platform is a new heat map experience that takes a macro and micro-level view of a universe of over 7000 U.S. Focused Equities and Global Capital Markets, and illuminates the next 100 best performing opportunities that are Strongly Biased for:
Profiting from Disruptive Change in Our Volatile Planet.
Description: is a mobile responsive Sentiment-Aware Alpha Production Platform that offers traders and investors a smarter way for both: expanding their High-Conviction Idea Rolodex, while Organically Hedging-For-A-Profit from predictable surprises and unknown market threats; and discovering anti-fragile portfolios well before they become visible on the radars of smart money heat maps, implied volatility screeners and social media sentiment trackers.
Our Flagship Portfolio Solution, the Focus 15 offers a new category of actionable intelligence powered by an original research framework, called Bottom-Down Perception Analytics ( BDPA ). BDPA technology addresses the big challenge of helping investors see beyond the borders of the past by capturing and exploiting subtle unseen and recurring mathematical relationships among the wisdom of perspectives; sourced from prevailing biases of: human-machine perception frameworks; data source measurement lags; and the future behaviors they shape in world capital markets across all active viewing time-scales and holding periods. This is important because it serves as a giant leap forward in converting market uncertainty into anxiety-free and sustainable alpha-generating outcomes — that are highly immune to negative long-tail macro-market forces, social media chatter, and the news story flavor of the minute.
For Professional Traders and Retail Investors looking to prioritize and organize their idea flow and simplify their navigation capabilities, our starter product, the Grid 100 makes it a snap for exploring dozens of fine-tuned micro-industry categories that tap into today’s most relevant companies, tackling tomorrow’s greatest challenges with disruptive technology that is designed for making your lifestyle more enjoyable, easier to manage, healthier, and more fit.
The story behind the Running Alpha BDPA innovation is unusual, and has its roots in what the founder, Efrem Hoffman, discovered when developing patented big data machine intelligence technology ( before it became a buzzword ), for hunting down impending signs of aviation weather and environmental hazards; and observing tight correlation patterns among precipitation and wind trajectories that underlie atmospheric turbulence and catastrophic F5 tornado vortex formations ( from high-dimensional atmospheric radar imagery ).
You may be wondering what this has to do with the movement of people, capital, and emotions in the world financial markets — Everything; we have over 100 years of data science to back this up and a history of helping clients accurately protect against Black-Swan events — showing that the correlation structure among bullish and bearish decision-maker perception biases at different scales of market observation come together first in the marketplace, each trading day, before they drive the transactions trends that most conventional media and market tools see and broadcast only later in hindsight.
Powered by BDPA technology, the Running Alpha Grid 100 and Focus 15 are a new heat map experience that takes a macro and micro-level view of a universe of over 7000 U.S. Focused Equities and Global Capital Markets, and illuminates the next 100 best performing opportunities that are most strongly biased for:
Profiting from Disruptive Change in Our Volatile Planet.
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